Our Story

In April 2020, the world was changing rapidly, and so were our needs. That's when we launched SendUsMasks, a small company with a big mission: to provide the best reusable cloth masks at fair prices during a time of uncertainty. We saw firsthand how price gouging was making essential items unaffordable, and we wanted to be part of the solution.

With dedication and care, we produced millions of masks, serving over 170,000 customers who trusted us. Our commitment to quality earned us over 1,700 five-star reviews on Trustpilot and coverage in major news outlets like the CBC and many more. Our journey with SendUsMasks taught us that when you put people first, success follows naturally.

As the world adapted, so did we. We rebranded to Youri, carrying forward the same values and dedication. Now, we focus on sourcing the best phone cases for iPhone and Samsung Galaxy devices. Just like before, our mission is clear: to offer high-quality products at affordable prices.

The same team that earned your trust with reusable masks is now here to protect your phone and keep you comfortable in style. At Youri, we're more than just a brand; we're a team that cares deeply about our customers' needs and experiences.

We believe that trust is earned, not given, and we're committed to proving that to you with every purchase. Thank you for being part of our story – we're excited for what's next.